
A Peculiar Grain of Wheat

Samuel McElroy is an honorable, God-fearing young man who practically stumbles into a business endeavor with Robert Bruce, an entrepreneur familiar with many biblical principles, yet prone to misapplying them. The two create a thriving barge company along the newly constructed Erie Canal thanks to Samuel’s work ethic, his innovative mind, and Robert’s desire for success. Working so closely with someone with a differing temperament and contrasting values proves to be challenging for Samuel. Time and time again, he is faced with the choice to act selfishly or selflessly…(continue reading below)



Meet Author Bill MacKenzie

Fueled by a lifetime spent serving God, Bill MacKenzie crafts stories that encourage Christians to honor God in all they do and seek the Lord’s guidance when making any decision, whether ordinary or life changing. Through Bill’s own experiences serving God in both secular and sacred arenas, he has discovered that all of life can be sacred when offered unto the Lord, and that a life well-lived is one lived fully for Him. After completing a degree in engineering at Purdue University, Bill wrestled with either working as an engineer or serving full-time in ministry. Bill vowed to let God use his life however He pleased, and it was this vow that led him back to his home church in Kentucky to serve as its Youth Director.


The joy Bill experienced working with youth led him to obtain a master’s in teaching at the University of Louisville, where he became connected with the Navigators, a non-profit organization focused on discipling Christians. Encouraged by the Navigators to pursue full-time employment as well as ministry work, Bill also worked at a consulting firm in Nashville, Tenn. as a mechanical engineer.

The Navigators later led Bill to Oxford, Miss. where he and his family created the International Guest House, a non-profit ministry home. Since then, the International Guest House has provided a “home away from home” and Christian foundation to students from all over the world.


For Young Readers:

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit. ”

— From A Peculiar Grain of Wheat